Seaward CrossFit will be hosting the team workouts so please ignore the individual option. If you have any questions, please contact us for further information. We are looking forward to see you in February!

Division Lineup:

  • ​2-person co-ed teams (Scaled & RX)
  • 2-person female teams (Scaled & RX)
  • 2-Person male teams (Scaled & RX)

Division Standards:

RX –

  • ​Cleans up to 225/155
  • Dumbbells 50s/35s
  • Thrusters 95/65
  • Snatches 135/95
  • Toes to Bar
  • Double-Unders
  • Pull-Ups

Scaled –

  • ​Cleans up to 185/115
  • Dumbbells 35s/20s
  • Thrusters 75/55
  • Snatches 115/75
  • Knees Above Parallel
  • Single-Unders
  • Males Complete Pull-Ups, Females Complete Ring Rows


Workout 1 – “OVERDRIVE”


2-Person Teams (Same Sex)

2-Person Teams (Co-Ed)

35 Wall Balls

15 Cleans

35 Wall Balls

10 Cleans

35 Wall Balls

5 Cleans

Time Cap: 12 minutes

70 Wall Balls

20 Cleans

70 Wall Balls

16 Cleans

70 Wall Balls

12 Cleans

Time Cap: 15 minutes

70 Wall Balls

20 Cleans

70 Wall Balls

16 Cleans

70 Wall Balls

12 Cleans

Time Cap: 15 minutes

Workout Standards

All Divisions
 – Wall Balls at 20/14 to 10’/9’ Target

 – Clean weights at (135/95) (185/125) (225/155)


Clean weights at (115/75) (155/95) (185/115)

Masters 35+
 – Clean weights at (115/75) (155/95) (185/115)

Scoring Standards

Final score is TIME COMPLETED

If the individual or team gets CAPPED it is CAP + REPS REMAINING

Flow of Workout

  • All Divisions:
    Will change/add their own weights. The weights will be available in the lane and they must utilize clips on the bar for safety purposes.
  • Individuals:
    Complete as written.
  • 2-Person Teams (Same Sex):
     Athletes can partition the wall balls however they would like. One athlete works at a time, sharing one wall ball. Males throw to a 10 ft. target, and females throw to a 9 ft. target. Once the first set of wall balls is complete, the athletes will move onto the clean portion. They can power or squat clean, as long as they fully stand with the bar at the top of the movement. Athletes can split the cleans however they would like, and they will share one barbell. Athletes continue throughout the chipper with one athlete working at a time while the other rests.
  • 2-Person Teams (Co-Ed):
     Athletes can partition the wall balls however they would like. One athlete works at a time, with two wall balls in the lane. Males throw to a 10 ft. target, and females throw to a 9 ft. target. Once the first set of wall balls is complete, the athletes will move onto the clean portion. They can power or squat clean, as long as they fully stand with the bar at the top of the movement. Athletes will
    evenly share the barbell reps between Male and Female
    . For example: On the first set of cleans, the Male athlete will complete 10 cleans and the Female athlete will complete 10 cleans. They can complete it however they would like, sets of 5, sets of 2, or even back and forth singles. Athletes continue throughout the chipper with one athlete working at a time while the other rests.

Movement Standards

  • Wall Ball:
    Athletes will first perform a squat with the wall ball, and throw it to a target (10’/9’). The athlete will then catch the wall ball in a squat and continue. The squat must break parallel in the starting and receiving position for the rep to count.
  • Clean:
    Each rep starts from the ground. Athletes can use any of the following: power clean, squat clean, split clean, or muscle clean in the receiving position. Athletes must fully stand with the bar to finish each rep. The bar must be cleaned from the ground to the shoulders in one motion.

Workout 2 – “TRANSCEND”


2-Person Team (All Divisions)

4 Rounds For Time –

12 Toes to Bar

9 Single Dumbbell Snatches

6 Double Dumbbell Step-Ups

3 Double Dumbbell Devil’s Presses

Time Cap:
 9 minutes

8 Rounds For Time, Alternating –

12 Toes to Bar

9 Single Dumbbell Snatches

6 Double Dumbbell Step-Ups

3 Double Dumbbell Devil’s Presses

Time Cap:
 12 minutes

Workout Standards

 – Toes to Bar, Dumbbells (50/35), Box (24”/20”)

– Knees Above Parallel, Dumbbells (35/20), Box (24”/20”)

Masters 35+
 – Toes to Bar, Dumbbells (35/20), Box (24”/20”)

Scoring Standards

Final score is TIME COMPLETED

If the team gets CAPPED it is CAP + REPS REMAINING

Flow of Workout

  • Co-Ed Divisions:
    It is up to the athlete to switch the box height between alternating rounds. Either athlete can do it.
  • Individuals:
    Complete as written.
  • 2-Person Teams (All Divisions):
     Athletes will alternate rounds for the entirety of the workout. Athlete one will start with the first round, completing 12-9-6-3 rep scheme in its entirety. Athlete two may not swap in until round one is complete, then athlete two completes round two. One athlete works at a time, and can only swap in once the round is complete.

Movement Standards

  • Toes to Bar:
    The athlete can perform the toes to bar strict or kipping. To complete the rep, the athlete must have both toes touch the bar and the feet must break the parallel plane of the rig behind them.
  • Knees Above Parallel:
    The athlete will break the parallel plane of the floor with their knees (think of an L-sit position), and the feet must break the parallel plane of the rig behind them.
  • Dumbbell Snatch:
    The athlete will start with a single dumbbell on the floor, and snatch it up in one swift movement from the ground to overhead. At the top, coming to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the dumbbell directly over the body. The rep is complete when the athlete fully stands with the dumbbell, with the arms, hips, and legs fully locked out. One head of the dumbbell must touch the floor for the reps to count.
  • Double Dumbbell Box Step Up:
     Athletes will start on one side of the box with a pair of dumbbells (racked/held however the athlete chooses), step onto the box
    with both feet touching the box
    , and step down to the same side of the box to complete the rep. Athletes must stand on top of the box and open up the hips.
  • Double Dumbbell Devil’s Press:
     Athletes will start with the dumbbells in hand and descend into a burpee. Dumbbell, chest, and thighs must touch the floor. When the athlete comes up from the burpee, they will perform a dumbbell snatch with both dumbbells. At the top, coming to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the dumbbell directly over the body. The rep is complete when the athlete fully stands with the dumbbells, with the arms, hips, and legs fully locked out.


Workout 3 – “FRANKEN FRAN”


2-Person Team (All Divisions)


30 Double-Unders / Singles

10 Thrusters

10 Pull-Ups


30 Double-Unders / Singles

10 Thrusters

10 Pull-Ups

Workout Standards

 – Double-Unders, Thrusters (95/65), Pull-Ups

– Singles, Thrusters (75/55)

Males Complete Pull-Ups, Females Complete Ring Rows

Masters 35+
 – Double-Unders, Thrusters (75/55), Pull-Ups

Scoring Standards

Final score is ROUNDS + REPS during the AMRAP

Flow of Workout

  • Individuals:
    Complete as written.
  • 2-Person Teams:
     Athletes can partition the work however they would like in each round. Only one athlete works at a time while the other rests.

Movement Standards

  • Double-Unders:
    The jump rope will pass under the athletes feet twice to complete each rep.
  • Single-Unders:
     The jump rope will pass under the athletes feet once to complete each rep.
  • Thruster:
     The first rep starts from the ground. The bar must be cleaned from the ground to the shoulders in one motion, breaking parallel on the squat in the receiving position. Athletes will then complete a push press, or another form of shoulder to overhead. The clean, squat, and shoulder to overhead is complete in one swift movement. The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the body.
  • Pull-Up:
    Athletes can use any of the following techniques: strict, kipping, or butterfly. Athletes must perform a pull-up and their chin
     be over the pull-up bar for the rep to count.
  • Ring Rows:
    The athlete will start in a standing position with the rings in their hands. They will position their heels on the tape placed on the floor under the rings. The athlete’s body must stay in a straight line, with the knees fully locked out and the heels stay on the tape. The athlete will pull up and touch the ring on either side of their body in the chest/lat area.

Floater – “REDEMPTION”


2-Person Team (All Divisions)

On a 4 minute clock –

500 Meter Row

In the time remaining AMRAP –

2 Snatches

4 Bar-Facing Burpees

On a 4 minute clock for each athlete –

500 Meter Row

In the time remaining AMRAP –

2 Snatches

4 Bar-Facing Burpees

Workout Standards

 – Snatches (135/95), Two Foot Hop Over Barbell

– Snatches (115/75), Step Over Barbell

Masters 35+
 – Snatches (115/75), Two Foot Hop Over Barbell

Scoring Standards

TWO SCORES will be recorded for this workout

Score 1: Row time // Score 2: REPS COMPLETED during the AMRAP

Row time will not be submitted on the leaderboard but ill be used for tie break, if necessary

Flow of Workout

  • Individuals:
    Complete as written.
  • 2-Person Teams:
     Athlete one will have a 4 minute clock to complete as written. There will be NO CHANGE TIME (for an 8 minute time cap) between athletes. Athlete two can sit on the rower as athlete one is completing their AMRAP. Once the 4 minutes is complete for athlete one, athlete two will start their 4 minute clock to complete as written.

Movement Standards

  • Rowing:
     Athletes must ensure that the rower hits the desired meter count before getting off the rower to proceed with the next phase of the workout. No rolling meters will be accepted.
  • Snatch:
    Each rep starts from the ground. Athletes can use any of the following: power snatch, squat snatch, split snatch, or muscle snatch. The bar will move in one swift movement from the ground to overhead. At the top, coming to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the body. The rep is complete when the athlete fully stands with the bar, with the arms, hips, and legs fully locked out.
  • Bar-Facing Burpee:
     Athletes will start on one side of the barbell and perform a burpee facing the bar. The athlete’s chest and thighs must touch the ground when performing the burpee. Once the athlete is up from the burpee, they will jump over the bar
    with a two foot takeoff
    . The athlete will then complete another burpee to continue onto the next rep.